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E-card greeting from
The Workers' Museum

Café and Pub ‘1892’



Temporary Exhibition:

26th of September 2015 – 27th of March 2016


Young people in Denmark are European champions in democracy. Still, a lot of them feel that their opinions are not worth listening to. So how does expressing their views take shape, how do they get heard? This paradox is the focus of the Workers Museum’s exhibition YOUNG VOICES UNHEARD, which is developed in close collaboration with young people from the entire country.

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Under Our Own Roof - The Workers' First Assembly Hall 1879-1983 Udskriv Email
Under eget tagA brand new interactive installation at the Workers' Museum brings alive the story of the workers' first assembly hall in Denmark.
Through touchscreens you can interact with 18 short films that tell the story of the building and the many activities that have taken place here through more than 100 years.

The installation has been developed in cooperation with the award winning design group Oncotype.

Funding has been provided by
Arbejdmarkedes feriefond (The Labour Market Holiday Fund)
Arbejdsmarkedets Feriefond

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