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E-card greeting from
The Workers' Museum

Library and Archive Visit the Archive & Library
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Address and opening hours

Visiting address and reading room

Please, do remember to make an appointment before your first visit. Access only by appointment.

Hørsvinget 6
2630 Taastrup
Tel: +45 35 36 15 22

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ABA adresse og åbningstider

Opening hours:

Telephone: Monday - Friday: 10:00-12:00
Reading Room: Monday - Friday: 09:00-16:00


Lending and use of materials

Books and periodicals:
Books and periodicals must be pre-ordered. Pre-orders can be made online. You will be notified when your order is ready for collection.

Collection address:
Hørsvinget 5
2630 Taastrup
(Please do remember to make an appointment before your visit)
Workers Museum
Rømersgade 22
1362 København K
(If your choose the museum as your pickup address)

For users living outside Copenhagen orders can be placed with your own local library or through bibliotek.dk online, subsequently you can collect the material from your own library.
Udlån på læsesal Udlån til afhentning Bøger i ABA
Archival documents and records must be reserved. Reservations can be made online. Access to archival materials can only be gained by previous arrangement.
You will be notified when the material is available in the reading room.


For further information call ABA during the telephone hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00-12:00.

Kartotekskort ABA: Vejledning ABA vejledning

A librarian/archivist, who will assist you in finding material for writing a paper or for other projects, is present in the lending area, if you book a visit in advance. Please make an appointment for additional guidance regarding our collections.

You can also enter your question online. We will send you our reply as soon as we have found an answer for you.


The library has an open-shelf system with handbooks. There is wireless internet access and microfilm readers at your disposal.
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You are welcome to buy coffee and tea in our self-service coffee bar; also please feel free to enjoy your own packed lunch in our kitchenette area.


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